Managing conflicts and crisis – implementing effective solutions

Flipchart Handling Crisis and Solving Conflict

Crisis within organizations can have many different causes. For too long the assumption has been made that everything is on the right track because the results were good. Teams assess situations differently without coordinating their points of view.

There is insufficient time to draw conclusions from the results or provide status reports, or the time for this is not used effectively. Insufficient attention was paid to the changes in the market, or there has been no active response to those changes. Or maybe there is a lack of willingness or ability to redirect or change focus.

Often the data to analyze the situation is available and there is a general understanding of what needs to be done. However, this is often followed by a decision-making vacuum and the failure to reach a consensus. Consequently, the implementation of the necessary measures is delayed.

A further area of tension can arise due to conflict between those taking action, which in turn affects their relationships. If these tensions are not addressed and resolved, they can disrupt the entire organization and significantly reduce entire departments’ motivation, well-being, and productivity.

Using our approach to crisis management and conflict resolution, we address the root causes and develop a mutual understanding among the decision makers. In this way, we develop an alignment between operational leads and the various levels of management, in which all who are involved in the crisis contribute to finding and implementing solutions. The aim is to gather existing skills and experience and enhance them with additional method-based knowledge. This will lead to increased efficiency, characterized by a sense of mutual responsibility for reaching the goals.